Help us transition the world of energy,
mobility and finance through incentives,
behavioural economics and blockchain technology.
Who are we?

We are Incentix.
We envision a world where transition is accomplished through incentives, behavioural economics and blockchain technology.
We feel privilaged to be in a position where we can apply our vision to real world projects in the energy transition and mobility transition.

Our technology is new and constantly evolving. That's why we don't feel it's ready for the spotlight yet. But we do want to share what we have learned. Find us at conferences and tradeshows around the world. Feel free to get in touch, we would love to meet you.

Energy transition

The way we are generating and distributing energy is unsustainable. Change must come from the masses. Not by force (eq. regulation) but by an intrinsic motivation for change and by sharing the benefits with all those involved.

Incentix is currently experimenting and applying a micro-economic-model on a small scale in the Netherlands. We are balancing the network and preventing congestion of the infrastructure while we develop and improve our platform and models.

Next stop: the world

Mobility transition

Individual transportation has reached its limits. Roadnetworks have reached their maximum throughput. Cities are full. The environment is suffering.

Our micro-economic-models offer a solution. Our technology is currently embedded in cars throughout the Netherlands, generating value for their drivers. By adjusting value to behaviour, we create little oppertunities for change. And in this case, just a little is enough. Our technology allowes us to scale all these little bits into a massive movement. Change is underway.